Easy Family Meetings
Set up, gather your people and make a difference!
Children who -
- linger longer around the dinner table because they want to!
- do their part in the family without parents having to beg and plead!
- are good problem solvers!
- can think independently!
- are good citizens at school and in the community!
- can work well with their siblings!
- work to their potential at school!
- can navigate social issues like bullying, dangerous behaviors and social trends!
Parents who -
- don't have to battle with each other over parenting issues!
- don't have to go to bed exhausted every night because of battling with their children to hang up their jacket, or empty their lunchbox or stop fighting with each other!
- feel good about their parenting and the closeness they have as a family!
- feel confident about being able to address anything that comes up, at home, school, in the community or in the news!
- are creating a legacy of a close family that can be passed from generation to generation!
In the Step-By-Step Easy Family Meetings Course, we'll work together to set you up for success and start holding weekly and impromptu family meetings that your children will not want to miss.
Six Sessions Led by Tracy
You will be able to ask questions and interact with others so that everyone can learn from each other.
Monday evenings, 7:30 - 8:30
Attend live (recommended), or watch the replay.
Tools & Resources
Downloaded to your device!
Members Only Online Support Community
Free for 3 months, at which time you will be equipped, practiced, and on your way to effective family meetings!
$25/mo if you would like to continue in the community, receiving all newly created resources and live sessions.
Who is this program for?
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How does the program work?
What are Tracy's clients saying?
All The Tools You Need To Create a Strong Family
You learn a lot....
When you are together for three and a half decades, you make a lot of mistakes, but more importantly, you learn a lot of lessons! You learn to manage finances, navigate the tumultuous waters of parenting, balance work with life, understand each other's family, holidays, traditions. In recent years, we have even learned how to live and love well during a pandemic and utterly chaotic socio-cultural time in history. But the one thing that matters most to your children is a strong family. When you get that right, things start falling into place.
That's what we hope for you through Easy Family Meetings. You will learn to ease frustrations, work together more smoothly and everyone, from your youngest to your oldest, will learn to have each other's back.